

Monday, November 8, 2010

Argument Statement

What is feminism?

Feminism serves as a timeless movement in which women around the world fight for their right to be considered equal to the dominant male population.

For centuries, women have been silenced by the power of men, forced to live their lives "behind the scenes".

Does being female really serve as a natural disposition? Certainly not. Feminists know this must change; it is time to take a stand. Who is to say what women can and cannot do? Who is to make these rules for a woman but the woman herself?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

To most people looking at this picture, I am a giraffe. A rather obscure giraffe, for I am made out of coins. I expect you are a human, since you are reading this. As a human, I feel the need to tell you that you can choose to wipe out most of the species just by continuing on our present course of accelerating population growth and accelerating resource use.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Teen Issues Project
